Reduce transaction costs with blockchains in your company

Fri. 03. May 2024, 03:19 PM

You are an interdisciplinary team from a company. And you want to reduce transaction costs when making business with third parties (suppliers or customers).

In the workshop, we will identify where are the painpoints and check out, whether the blockchain technology can help you reduce costs and gain efficiency.

Agenda (9:00 -12:00)

  1. Understanding the ecosystem
  2. Defining which interaction is critical and dysfunctional (e.g. high transaction costs or process still missing)
  3. Drawing the business partner journey
  4. Pause
  5. Defining decentralisation opportunities
  6. Defining key elements of a POC

The workshop will need some preparation on both sides. We will get in touch before!

Event 4.6.2019